Going indie!

You may have heard that publishing your own book is easier than ever. But how do you get started, where can you publish, and how do you reach readers?

My name is Alda Sigmundsdóttir, I have been an independent writer and publisher for 15 years and I have built a successful career around my books. I have taught workshops in indie publishing, most recently at the Iceland Writers Retreat, where I was urged to put my course online so that more people might benefit.

That online course is now nearly ready to be launched. 🎉 If you would like to receive notifications about early bird discounts and other perks, please enter your email below. It is completely without obligation, you can unsubscribe anytime from this list, and I will never pass on your info to third parties!

Read on for more info 👇

About a year ago I shared on my Facebook page that I was working on an online course, in Icelandic, on how to publish your work as an independent author.

As you may know I am the publisher of all of my books, except one, and have built a thriving career as an indie author. I am passionate about and fascinated by the shifting landscape in publishing and the fabulous new opportunities that have opened up to authors over the last decade or so.

When I shared this last year, some people remarked that they would be interested in having such a course in English.

My focus was on the Icelandic version at the time, mostly because I felt that there was a real need within Iceland to spread awareness about indie publishing, and all the tools and technology that have become available to indie authors to empower them to build successful careers.

We are living in a new era. A global survey published last year showed that, on average, independent authors earn more than traditionally-published authors. Moreover, their incomes are growing year-on-year, while that of traditionally-published authors is shrinking. The indie publishing sector has become highly sophisticated, and new tools and technology for authors are being added to all the time.

A couple of months ago I was asked by the organizers of the Iceland Writers Retreat to jump in and teach at this year’s event. I have taught workshops on indie publishing in the past, so it was not completely out of the blue.

Not only was my workshop super well received (thank you to all who attended!) but it also become clear that, despite the rise and rise of indie publishing, a lot is still not known about it.

After my workshop(s) many people told me they’d heard great things about it and were really sorry to have missed it. Others, who attended, told me that it had been extremely eye-opening for them, praised the way it had been organized, and urged me to make it available online so that others might benefit.

Which brings me to this post.

The course is now almost ready to be launched. It is set up so that you can take it whenever you want, at your leisure. It consists of nine modules, and 28 videos, plus supplementary and bonus materials.

If you would like to be notified when it launches so you can make use of early bird discounts and bonuses, please enter your email above.

It goes without saying that I will not spam anyone, you can unsubscribe from the list at any time, and will keep your personal info safe.

I am passionate about this new era of publishing, and am thrilled to be able to share my knowledge, thoughts and experience with you.

~ Alda
